7 Surprising Facts about Sleep Apnea

October 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — centerscottsdale @ 7:55 pm
Doctor holding clipboard that says “sleep apnea”

How much do you know about sleep apnea? Most people are aware that this condition can make you tired, and it is often accompanied by loud snoring. However, they might not know just how common it is, how it can be managed, or other important aspects of it. Read this blog post to discover some surprising facts about sleep apnea. What you learn might just motivate you to take steps to improve the quality of your nighttime rest!

There Are Different Types of Sleep Apnea

When most people talk about sleep apnea, they are referring to obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when tissues in the throat cause pauses in breathing. However, some people have central sleep apnea, wherein pauses in breathing are caused by the brain failing to send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing.

Anyone Can Develop Sleep Apnea

Many people think that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is exclusive to elderly and obese individuals. However, that is not true. Increasing age and a high body weight can increase the risk of OSA, but anyone, regardless of their age, size, or lifestyle choices, can fall victim to this condition.

Sleep Apnea Is Woefully Underdiagnosed

An estimated 22 million people in the U.S. have OSA, but the actual number may be quite a bit higher. One estimate states that up to 90% of cases have not yet been diagnosed.

CPAP Is Not the Only Treatment Option

Many physicians automatically prescribe CPAP therapy for OSA patients. However, people often find that their CPAP is inconvenient or uncomfortable. Therefore, they look for other treatment options, such as an oral appliance from a dentist that is designed to keep their airway open during sleep.

Some People Stop Breathing Hundreds of Times Each Night

An apneais an event where a person stops breathing during sleep, while a hypopnea occurs when breathing is reduced. People with mild OSA may experience 5 – 14 apneas or hypopneas per hour. People with severe OSA, though, experience more than 30 episodes an hour. They could stop breathing hundreds of times throughout a single night!

Sleep Apnea Can Contribute to Early Death

Untreated OSA can increase the risk of heart problems and other life-threatening conditions. In fact, when the famous actress Carrie Fisher passed away, the coroner listed sleep apnea as a contributing factor.

In Some Cases, Sleep Apnea Is Reversible

There is no “cure” for OSA, but in many cases, its underlying cause can be addressed. For example, an obese person who loses weight may find that their symptoms are greatly reduced or even disappear altogether. In other cases, orthodontic treatment or surgery can greatly improve a person’s breathing.

Has this blog post taught you anything new about sleep apnea? Hopefully, you can use what you have learned to enjoy higher-quality sleep each night.

Meet the Practice

The three highly accomplished dentists at Go to Sleep Center for CPAP Alternatives in Scottsdale are proud to provide oral appliance therapy to OSA patients in our community. If you have been struggling to feel well-rested, we may be able to help you. To learn more about our services, get in touch with our team at 623-299-8799.

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